City Budget Snapshot (Folsom Takes Action)

City Managers presentation on the budget from the October 24, 2023 City council meeting.

(To view the presentation on the city Budget, visit this link.)

Folsom’s Current General Fund Revenue – All Sources

General Fund Revenue

How the General Fund is Allocated (Proposed by City Manager, Approved by City Council)

General Fund Appropriations

Where the money gets spent

General Fund Expenses

Folsom, we have a problem.

Our city is facing a financial shortfall that will impact our safety, property values, public services (parks & recreation, road maintenance, trail improvements, etc.) and the quality of life we enjoy as citizens of Folsom.

A combination of factors, including “the Amazon Effect” (online vs. local shopping that diverts more of Folsom’s revenues to the county and other cities), and rising costs from inflation have brought us to a point where expenses are outpacing revenues. As a result we now face difficult choices.

We can either do nothing – forcing city leaders to cut back services; or we can take action now to maintain public safety and preserve our quality of life for years to come.