Folsom, We Have A Problem (Folsom Takes Action)


Folsom has a legacy as one of the best cities in California to live, work, play, and raise a family. Strong property values also rely on having a safe community, good parks and libraries, and well-maintained streets and roads. To preserve this legacy, we invite you to explore Measure G, learn more, and VOTE YES ON MEASURE G IN NOVEMBER.

City of Folsom Rainbow Bridge - Folsom Takes Action
How Did We Get Here?

Inflation, rising staff costs (even though there are fewer city employees today than in 2008), unfunded mandates from our state government, rising contract costs, and “The Amazon Effect” (which diverts Folsom’s sales tax revenues to the county and other cities), have all contributed to our current financial situation. Read more…

Police - Folsom Takes Action
What’s Been Done To Prevent This, (and is a sales tax the only option)?

The city has worked for years to stretch dollars and cut costs. Nearly 20 years of independent audits show the city’s been responsible with public funds. We have a revenue problem, not a spending problem. Read more…

Folsom Takes Action
What does an extra 1-cent get you?

An extra 1-cent on every dollar spent on taxable goods in Folsom – all of which stays in Folsom and cannot be taken by the State or County – will generate $29 million in funding annually that can only be used for public safety, improving traffic, improving parks and trails, enhancing our community, and economic development. Read more…

Asphalt issues on basketball court at city park
What Happens if We Don’t Approve Measure G?

The city has faced the same inflationary impacts we all have – fuel, materials, and vendors all cost more. Even keeping services at current levels in the future won’t be possible as costs rise faster than revenue sources. Without a new revenue source the city will have to reduce public services even further to fit within the funding the city has available – and we all lose. Read more…

Folsom Takes Action
What You Don’t Know About Folsom’s (Current) Sales Tax Structure

For every dollar you spend, Folsom gets one penny in sales tax. The rest goes to the state and the County. We get even less from online purchases. It’s time for more local control. Read more…

Stormwater - Street Damage from Flooding
New revenue goes to services, improvements and investments, not enhanced pensions

Funds raised from this measure MUST be used for specific purposes and CANNOT be used to enhance the pensions of city employees. Read more…

Folsom City Hall - Folsom Takes Action
A Citizens Oversight Committee To Ensure Accountability

No one gets a blank check. Read more…


Our city is facing a financial shortfall that will impact our safety, property values, public services (parks and recreation, road maintenance, trail improvements, etc.) and the quality of life we enjoy as citizens of Folsom.

A combination of factors, including “the Amazon Effect” (more online instead of local shopping that diverts most of Folsom’s sales tax revenues to the county and other cities), and rising costs from inflation have brought us to a point where expenses are outpacing revenues. As a result we now face difficult choices.

We can either do nothing – forcing city leaders to cut back services; or we can VOTE YES ON MEASURE G to maintain public safety and preserve our quality of life for years to come.

Projected Shortfall

In recent years, survey after survey of Folsom residents has shown we want:

  • More resources to enhance public safety, reduce crime, and address homelessness
  • Street improvements to repair roads and reduce traffic
  • Maintenance and improvements to our existing parks, fields and playgrounds – and new ones built
  • A strategy and resources to attract more businesses and high-paying jobs
  • Citizen oversight on how our tax dollars are spent
  • More amenities and reliable public services

That’s why a group of Folsom citizens, not politicians, have come together to qualify Measure G for the November 2024 election ballot.

Measure G: a 1-percent special sales tax that:

  • Keeps money local – all funds raised from this measure stay in Folsom and cannot be taken by the state or county
  • Funds fire, rescue, and emergency medical services
  • Funds increased police protection to help reduce crime and address homelessness
  • Provides funding for road improvements and to help reduce traffic congestion
  • Enhances our parks and trails, and invests in our future
  • Requires all revenue to be audited and monitored by a Citizens Oversight Committee
  • Cannot be used to enhance pensions or for any other purpose not listed in the ballot measure language.

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Vote YES on Folsom Measure G - For Folsom's Future

Folsom Takes Action
YES on Measure G - For Folsom's Future