Fundraising for Folsom Measure G
Your contribution to our campaign will help us ensure that we can reach all Folsom voters via print media and social media to ensure they understand how critical this measure is to the future of our city. Voter education is the key to our success!
You can contribute via check or online by credit card. To send a check, click on the form below (individual or company contribution), print it, complete it and mail it with your check to the name and address on the form.
To contribute online, simply click the CONTRIBUTE button below. We value your support and thank you in advance for your contribution!
Contributions to Yes on Measure G – Folsom Residents Supporting Public Safety and Quality of Life. are not tax deductible. Election law requires us to publicly report cumulative contributions of $100 or more. We may not deposit your contribution without your name, street address, occupation and employer information from individual contributors, and may not accept contributions of $100 or more made by cashier’s checks, money orders, or cash. In making this contribution, the contributor affirms that they are a United States citizen or a permanent resident.
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