What Can YOU Do?
- Stay informed: As a Folsom resident, you are affected by the city’s revenue problem. We’ve provided resources throughout this website to help familiarize yourself with Measure G, how we got here, our options, the city budget process, and why our citizen’s group is committed to a solution. We encourage you to explore these pages and learn more.
- Endorse Measure G / Endorsement statement: Add your name or business to our growing list of supporters. Include a statement on why you support the measure. Send the information to residents@yesonmeasureg.org, and we’ll get this online.
- Contribute: Your financial support for the campaign is needed.
- Volunteer at an organized neighborhood walk or scheduled event, host a meet and greet or walk your neighborhood.
- Request a Lawn Sign: One of the best ways to show your support for Measure G.
- Text Messaging Opt-In: Another way to stay informed!
- Vote: Check this webpage for information on voting information.
Endorse Measure G
Volunteer for Folsom's Future
Walk a Neighborhood
Join Us for an Event
Request a Lawn Sign
Contribute to the Campaign
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